Saturday, 18 December 2010


Autumn, a beautiful season in Hyrcanian forest

Sunday, 17 October 2010


After almost a long time it's a little hard to write again in this page. I really was busy with writing my dissertation, then finalizing and at last presenting it for the committee, a good score will compensate all labors, anyway thank God for his helps.

Sunday, 20 June 2010

Humus is a vital ring in forest ecosystem chain and has many positive effects in a forest ecosystem. Physically it protects soil surface from erosion and prevents of floods. Chemically plays a basic role in nutrient cycling. In Hyrcanian forest of Iran few studies have been carried out about humus therefore there are many unanswered questions about humus and its relation with the environment in this forests.
We in Forest Ecology team of GAU are about to answer some of these questions.